Cherry Season

Cherry season runs from between the 6th - 14th December to late January. These dates are variable and can change as they rely on both weather and crop ripening.

We have jobs ideal for students who wish to earn some money over their summer holidays and work in a fun, high energy work environment. Please note that you must be 14 or older to apply for this work.

We have bird shooting positions available for the right candidate. People interested in this position must hold a current NZ Firearms licence. Character references must be supplied. There will be a formal interview before these positions are formally offered.

The Orchard.


Pickers start picking at 6am. A bus transports pickers from the orchard to the hill block when required. The hill bus leaves around 5.30am. The day may vary between 8 and 10 hours. Variations are by agreement, but everything depends on fruit crop availability and weather as this is seasonal work. As this is Casual-As-And-When-Required work 8% holiday pay is paid weekly.

Panmure Orchards has performance based renumeration for orchard workers thinning and harvest. The performance bonus is quality and quantity based and accrued over the season paid on completion of the seasons work. This is recognises performance and beyond above minimum performance standards which align with the minimum hourly rate.

Breaks and lunches are taken where we are based for the day, not at the packhouse so all pickers need to have plenty of food, water and suitable clothing for their day. Toilets are on site. 

The Packhouse.


Packers start at 8.30am and finish time varies depending on fruit availability as we aim to process all cherries picked that day.

The hours may vary. Variations are by agreement, but everything depends on fruit crop availability and weather as this is seasonal work. As this is Casual-As-And-When-Required work 8% holiday pay is paid weekly.

Summer holiday work - We are able to tailor the work hours to suit all age levels, abilities and situations. Please get in touch if you need flexible work hours and we can discuss options that work for everyone - yes that includes you rowers! If you are over 14 and interested in working this is the best place for you.

Performance based renumeration is not available in the packhouse.

The Technical Details

Work for the orchard and packhouse is casual as and when required due to the nature of the job. Next days’ work will be advised daily or in the event of adverse weather by Facebook post as soon as possible before the advised start time.

The hourly rate is $21.20/hr plus holiday pay for those over 16 years of age. For those aged 14-15 a youth wage is applicable. Pay is direct credited weekly. A valid work visa (if required), bank account and tax number must be obtained before starting work. Date of birth and a valid address is required. Information is sent to the IRD tax department weekly, so tax will be deducted at the no declaration rate if a correct tax number is not provided. Refunds may be obtained where appropriate after 31 March the end of the tax year.